
Newborns Have Unique Child Custody Needs

Making child custody decisions is a complex undertaking, especially when you're getting the initial parenting plan set up. When your child is a baby, there are some special considerations that you need to think about because an infant's needs are much different from an older kid's needs. As you're making child custody arrangements, remember that you should make them based on what's needed now instead of later because it's possible to modify the parenting plan as those needs change.

The way the newborn is being fed can affect the child custody agreement. A baby who is breastfeeding won't be able to spend much time away from the mother until her milk supply is established and the baby is able to eat without issues. After those are accomplished, the baby can be fed breast milk via a bottle, so more time away from the mother might be possible.

During the time that the baby needs to be with the mother, the father might need to spend time with the infant around his ex. While this isn't ideal for him, it ensure that the newborn can eat without delay. The time he has alone with this child may become longer as the little one grows.

The first year of life is often a challenge for parenting plan because the baby's needs change so much. It might be necessary for you and your ex to work out new arrangements often. Being able to discuss matters reasonably can benefit the children and make your life a bit less stressful. A respectful parenting relationship can set a positive standard for the future.

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