
Victims of Domestic Violence Often Have Trouble Leaving

Domestic violence is a serious issue in this country. Around 28,000 calls are made per day to domestic violence hotlines, and a woman is beaten or assaulted every 9 seconds. One of out every three women have suffered from physical abuse at the hands of an intimate partner.

In some cases of domestic violence, the victim might decide that they've endured enough and opt for a divorce. This is a challenging situation because of the violence. They can't just file and move on with life like others would.

It is often difficult for an abused spouse to walk away from the marriage. Not only is the emotional damage strong, but there is also the matter of dependency. Oftentimes, these victims are at the mercy of the abuser for everything, including money. These factors can make the situation daunting, which is one reason why many people in this position don't file right away.

For a person who is being abused, having a strong support system is a priority. This is one of the only ways that they will feel able to get out of the situation. They need to know that they have somewhere to go and that they will have people they can count on when things get tough.

victim of domestic violence also needs to ensure they have a good divorce team. Some abusers become upset when they realize they don't have a victim any longer. This can cause them to act out. The victim should know their rights and have a team that feels comfortable standing up for those.

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